Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,or ADHD, is the most common behavioraldisorder in children.
It's usually first diagnosed in childhoodand often lasts into adulthood.
A child with ADHD might have troublepaying attention, daydream a lot, forgetor lose things often, talk too much, or actwithout thinking about the consequences.
Most children have trouble focusing orbehaving at some time or another, butkids with ADHD have these symptomsmuch longer than other kids, and thesymptoms cause serious problems athome, at school, and with friends.
There are many risk factors for ADHDand no single cause.
Scientists believe that genetics play animportant role.
Researchers do not believe that ADHD iscaused by eating too much sugar orwatching too much TV.
However, chaotic environments orinconsistent parenting can make ADHDsymptoms worse.
There is no single test to diagnose ADHD,and many other problems can havesimilar symptoms, including sleepdisorders, anxiety, depression, andcertain types of learning disabilities.